Why is Westlake involved in Challenge Success?
Several years ago, a few of us began to have concerns about the health, well-being, and academic engagement of our students. We know from anecdotal feedback that many of our students struggle or feel disengaged. When we administered the Stanford Survey of Adolescent School Experiences in the fall of 2015, the results confirmed and clarified this for us. Since our district focus included Social and Emotional Learning, we turned to Stanford's Challenge Success for personalized, research-based help. They've worked with high schools like Westlake for more than a decade.
What is Challenge Success?
As their website explains, "Challenge Success recognizes that our current fast-paced, high-pressure culture works against much of what we know about healthy child development and effective education. The overemphasis on grades, test scores, and rote answers has stressed out some kids and marginalized many more. We all want our kids to do well in school and to master certain skills and concepts, but our largely singular focus on academic achievement has resulted in a lack of attention to other components of a successful life—the ability to be independent, adaptable, ethical, and engaged critical thinkers. Our work helps to foster learners who are healthy, motivated, and prepared for the wide variety of tasks they will face as adults."
What is Challenge Success NOT?
It's not a prescribed formula or a canned program. Instead, the Challenge Success coaches rely on research and their experience with high schools similar to Westlake across the country. They help us look at our own unique situation and figure out solutions to help our students become healthier and more engaged.
WHS Challenge Success Team Mission Statement:
We, as an inclusive Westlake community, will challenge and support our students to become healthy and engaged individuals as they grow in a caring, balanced, and safe environment.
Check out the WHS Healthy Chaps Website here, and learn more about Stanford's Challenge Success here.
Viewing this site on a mobile device? Touch the lines in the upper left hand corner to find info for students, parents, teachers, and more.
Please check back frequently! We're always adding more resources on a wide variety of topics. If you find this page useful, please let us know below.
Several years ago, a few of us began to have concerns about the health, well-being, and academic engagement of our students. We know from anecdotal feedback that many of our students struggle or feel disengaged. When we administered the Stanford Survey of Adolescent School Experiences in the fall of 2015, the results confirmed and clarified this for us. Since our district focus included Social and Emotional Learning, we turned to Stanford's Challenge Success for personalized, research-based help. They've worked with high schools like Westlake for more than a decade.
What is Challenge Success?
As their website explains, "Challenge Success recognizes that our current fast-paced, high-pressure culture works against much of what we know about healthy child development and effective education. The overemphasis on grades, test scores, and rote answers has stressed out some kids and marginalized many more. We all want our kids to do well in school and to master certain skills and concepts, but our largely singular focus on academic achievement has resulted in a lack of attention to other components of a successful life—the ability to be independent, adaptable, ethical, and engaged critical thinkers. Our work helps to foster learners who are healthy, motivated, and prepared for the wide variety of tasks they will face as adults."
What is Challenge Success NOT?
It's not a prescribed formula or a canned program. Instead, the Challenge Success coaches rely on research and their experience with high schools similar to Westlake across the country. They help us look at our own unique situation and figure out solutions to help our students become healthier and more engaged.
WHS Challenge Success Team Mission Statement:
We, as an inclusive Westlake community, will challenge and support our students to become healthy and engaged individuals as they grow in a caring, balanced, and safe environment.
Check out the WHS Healthy Chaps Website here, and learn more about Stanford's Challenge Success here.
Viewing this site on a mobile device? Touch the lines in the upper left hand corner to find info for students, parents, teachers, and more.
Please check back frequently! We're always adding more resources on a wide variety of topics. If you find this page useful, please let us know below.